Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Blog!

This is my first time blogging for school and my own personal use when not involving my own students, so be nice! This was created for the Young Adult Literature class and will follow my assignments and experiences from the course.

You are probably wondering why Andee when my name is Amanda? One of my nicknames is Mandee with two ee's. It changed after my niece was born. I was going to be called Aunt Mandee, but eventually it combined into Andee and has stuck. Don't ask about the other nicknames. Those can be embarrassing.

So to wrap this up and wish this blog luck, I will end with a famous saying from my family:

Here's to it and for it and to it again.
If I hadna metcha, I woulna have letcha.
But since I metcha and letcha,
I betcha if I metcha I'd letcha do it again.